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Standard Service Level Agreement

Recommended for Businesses of 5 to 15 Employees with 1-2 Servers. We believe in working with you whatever your budget may be to help you build a quality network for your business and allow you to prosper in difficult times. If you require this plan to be customized we will be happy to personalize it to meet your needs.

 Support Hours

4 hours remote PC and server support.  The remaining 6 hours may be used for remote support or during the 1 monthly office visit


10 hours total

Roll Over Option


Unused hours from the first month roll over to be used or lost during the following month.



$800 / month for 10 hours

Overage hours $95/hour

standard rate

Other Items

Estimated response time is 1 to 6 hours Monday - Friday

Weekend support is by appointment only.

Network documentation and a network schematic will be provided

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